Prostatitis is an inflammatory disease of the prostate gland, often diagnosed in older men. The initial or first signs of prostatitis are quite specific, which allows you to detect pathology in a timely manner, undergo a comprehensive examination and begin treatment.
Types of diseases and first signs

There are two forms of the disease - bacterial (infectious) prostatitis and non-bacterial congestive prostatitis. The first signs of the disease directly depend on the nature of the inflammation.
In the first case, the cause of the disease is an infection, often the inflammation is caused by the action of bacterial agents that are sexually transmitted. This form of prostatitis is characterized by an ascending or descending route of infection of the prostate gland - the infection enters either through the urethra or from the kidneys. The symptoms of inflammation are acute, rapidly increasing and fever is often present.
Non-infectious prostatitis is a disease of office workers and men over 50 years of age. The disease develops due to congestion in the pelvic area. The cause of inflammation is a violation of the microcirculation of blood in the prostate, stagnation of secretions in the body and a violation of trophism in the tissues of the prostate gland. The characteristic features of this form of inflammation are a slow increase in symptoms, often a latent course. If with the bacterial form of the disease the deterioration of well-being occurs rapidly, then non-infectious prostatitis rarely bothers in the early stages, which makes it difficult to diagnose the disease in a timely manner.
Common symptoms of prostatitis
Regardless of the form of the disease, the symptoms of prostatitis in men are as follows:
- pain when urinating;
- discomfort in the anus;
- incomplete emptying of the bladder;
- decreased urine pressure;
- frequent desire to use the toilet at night;
- general malaise;
- weakening of the erection;
- ejaculation disorder;
- pain during ejaculation.
It is impossible to answer unequivocally the question of how exactly the initial stage of prostatitis manifests itself. Each patient has different symptoms at the beginning of the disease. This is due to the characteristics of the organism.
In most cases, the first signs of prostatitis are discomfort in the anus and a slight discharge during urination. Such symptoms indicate organ irritation.
Often men face a weakening of the erection, while other symptoms of the initial form of inflammation may be completely absent. The problem is that patients rarely go to the doctor with the problem of ejaculation disorders or erectile dysfunction. As a rule, such neglect of one's own health over time leads to a progressive form of prostatitis, which is quite difficult to treat.
Pain during urination and frequent urge to go to the toilet are caused by pressure from an inflamed organ. This leads to narrowing of the urethral lumen and incomplete emptying of the bladder. As a rule, obvious problems with urination are noted in the second, but not in the first stage of the disease.
Specific symptoms

Specific symptoms are characteristic symptoms of various forms of inflammation. In the bacterial form of the disease, note:
- fever;
- discharge from the urethra;
- blood in urine;
- acute pain in the scrotum;
- burning and burning after urination.
Quite often patients experience severe pain at the end of urination. Blood is often shed or light yellow or purulent discharge is observed. Such signs are characteristic of bacterial inflammation caused, among other things, by diseases transmitted through unprotected sex. The temperature can rise above 38 ° C. There are also symptoms of intoxication of the body, general weakness and loss of strength. Often in bacterial inflammation, the temperature first rises, and after a few days specific symptoms appear, such as pain when urinating and frequent urge to urinate.
Fever is characteristic of the bacterial form of prostatitis.
The first symptoms and manifestations of the non-infectious form of the disease:
- pressure and expansion in the anus;
- weakening of urine pressure;
- erectile dysfunction;
- Frequent urge to urinate, especially at night.
The temperature in this case rarely rises, there are no symptoms of intoxication. Perineal pain does not develop. In the initial stage of non-infectious prostatitis there is always discomfort in the anus, which is due to an increase in the size of the inflamed organ.
As the frequency of urges to urinate increases at night, patients often complain of insomnia and loss of energy, and stress and neurosis may develop.Non-specific symptoms that are rare
Prostatitis refers to diseases with specific symptoms, which in most cases are sufficient to prescribe a digital examination of the prostate gland and make a diagnosis. Nonspecific manifestations of prostatitis are due to clinical cases in which the disease develops against the background of some primary pathology.
So, prostatitis on the background of stones in the prostate gland is diagnosed quite rarely, but in this case a characteristic symptom will be blood in the urine and the release of droplets of blood from the urethra during urination.
In genital infections, prostatitis may be accompanied by severe pain in the perineum and purulent discharge.
One of the most difficult forms of the disease to diagnose is fungal prostatitis. The disease develops against the background of systemic mycoses or chronic candidal balanoposthitis. Typical symptoms are inflammation of the glans penis, the formation of a thick white plaque and pain during urination. In addition, there may be pain in the anus and itching of the genitals.
Congestive prostatitis may present with excretion after urination. In this case, light mucous masses, droplets of pus or blood are released. Often, if there is a discharge, there are no symptoms other than discomfort after urination.
When to see a doctor?
It is important to understand that prostatitis in the initial stage is quite successfully treated, while the chronic form of the pathology requires long-term treatment and treatment in this case lasts for years.
The reason you go to the urologist is:

- urinary incontinence;
- change in the nature of the erection;
- foreign substances in semen;
- droplets of blood in the urine;
- fullness in the anus.
It is recommended to visit a urologist annually for all men over 40 years. In the last few decades, prostatitis has been significantly "younger", today the first symptoms and manifestations of the disease are increasingly found in men aged 25-30 years. The first signs of illness are found in office workers, overweight patients and all men who lead a sedentary life.
Thus, the first thing to do when detecting the initial stage of prostatitis is to undergo a comprehensive examination, which includes:
- finger examination of the organ (prostate massage);
- Ultrasound of the prostate, kidneys and bladder;
- blood test to determine PSA level;
- bacterial semen analysis;
- microscopic examination of prostate secretion.
The stages of the disease can be identified by a picture (ultrasound) of the prostate gland. Based on these diagnostic methods, the doctor determines the stage of the inflammation and selects the optimal treatment regimen.
Principle of treatment of prostatitis
When the first signs of prostatitis are detected, the choice of treatment depends on the form of the disease. As a rule, specific and symptomatic treatment is carried out.
Specific treatments include:
- prostate protectors;
- antibiotics;
- alpha blockers;
- restorative means;
- diet and lifestyle adjustments.
Prostate protectors are drugs that improve the trophism of prostate tissue. The drugs are prescribed for any form of prostatitis, both for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.
Antibiotics are indicated for bacterial inflammation. They are drunk for a long time - up to a month and a half. In some cases, they can be replaced with drugs from the fluoroquinolone group. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used in the treatment of non-infectious prostatitis.

Strengthening agents in the treatment of prostatitis are various herbal preparations, both pharmaceutical and folk. These tools include:
- candles with pumpkin extract;
- pumpkin oil;
- rectal suppositories with propolis;
- tincture of echinacea;
- herbal preparations;
- tablets.
These agents are used regardless of the form of inflammation at each stage of the disease.
Symptomatic therapy includes an appointment:
- antispasmodics; antipyretic drugs; analgesics; non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
- sedatives.
Antispasmodics help relieve urination during the early stages of prostatitis. Antipyretic drugs are indicated when the temperature rises against the background of bacterial inflammation. Analgesics help relieve pain. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have both analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects, which is why they are often prescribed for non-infectious prostatitis. According to the patient's doctor's test, sedatives may be recommended. They are prescribed for insomnia and stress, which are caused by discomfort and frequent urges to use the toilet.
Possible complications
Every disease is easier to treat at an early stage and prostatitis is no exception. Timely treatment will not only get rid of discomfort and pain, but will also significantly improve a man's quality of life and sexual activity.
Started prostatitis becomes chronic and is fraught with a number of complications, including:

- acute urinary retention;
- kidney infection;
- infertility;
- impotence.
The chronic form of the disease requires constant medication to normalize a man's well-being. Often drug therapy becomes ineffective with age, then the only method to normalize the patient's condition is surgery - partial or complete removal of the organ.
The initial stage of prostatitis lasts about three to four years. Then the disease becomes chronic. Knowing the first signs of prostatitis in men and the treatment of the initial stage of the disease, you should consult a specialist as soon as possible. Prostatitis is not a disease that is diagnosed from a photo, as the disease has no visible manifestations. To notice the first symptoms in time, you need to listen to your own health.